'Sepet and Gubra' discussions and other fights

I have been really unfair in my coverage of TV channels. Been really neglecting the old skool RTM 1 and RTM 2. It’s not that I’m bias; it’s just that their TV listings are usually so shitty and non-descriptive I can’t weed out the cool stuff.

So today, seeing it was too hot for me to go skinny-dipping with the models, I stayed in and made a real effort to find a show that would be entertaining to watch on both these channels.

Anyway, they have this talk show called ‘Fenomena Seni’. They discuss things that are happening in the local Malaysian entertainment industry. Tomorrow’s title should be an interesting watch. “Sepet dan Gubra pencemar budaya” (Translation: Sepet and Gubra, tainting our (Asian) culture). Rosyam Nor is hosting it with a bunch of panels whose names I’ve never heard of.

Hey, I haven’t watched the movie, but judging from how everybody is gushing over these two flicks, this episode might be an interesting watch.

Mushy stuff tomorrow night, but earlier in the morning its testosterone time! At the ungodly hour of 4:50 am they are going to air the ‘World Heavyweight Championship’ LIVE! All the way from Germany!

How come there was no publicity for this? This is cool! F**k the Box Office channel!

I love boxing. I don’t know who’s fighting, but who cares, its real. Boxing is king, wrestling is for pussies.

Fenomena Seni - Sunday 9:30 pm on RTM 1
World Heavy Weight Championship - Sunday 4:50 am on RTM 2

UPDATE: As expected, this show generated much heated debate. Here are some:-

Nizam Zakaria - Adakah Sepet dan Gubra pencemar budaya?
The meesh experience - Sepet dan Gubra: Pencemar Budaya?
TV Smith - Gubra
Kakicucuklangit - FORUM: Pencemar Kepala Hotak

These links and a few others can be found on Nizam Zakaria's site.


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