Breaking out of prison brings about brotherly love

This show is really good. They showed the pilot last week, and hopefully tonight we'll get to see some real action. By the way, look at how intensely Micheal looks into his brother's left ear. Yup, he loves the guy.
"Allen. Michael seeks help of his fellow prison inhabitants to execute his escape plans."
Wonder if Mariah Carey minds.

Prison Break (Season 1) - Monday 10:00 pm on 8tv


Anonymous said…
wah, finally the show come to malaysia, been watching for the past month and now in episod 17. a must watch!
TV Man said…
Whoa, cannot wait is it? You heard the man, a must watch!
Anonymous said…
I watched this show until ep 15. Had to watch it a couple of episodes each time because almost every ending is quite frustriating and a jaw opener. I 've stopped watching Lost for a while because of this show!

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