Grey's Anatomy: Doctors are human too

Slacking on the job I see. So this is what doctors do, melepak behind the office while eating ice cream and idly biting their nails... Where is the tension? Where is the drama?
"The First Cut Is the Deepest. A young woman is viciously attacked and Meredith thinks a newborn might be in danger."
Catch this new show while it's still hot on Malaysian TV. Trust me, it's the new ER.

Grey's Anatomy (Season 1 - Episode 2) - Wednesday 9:00 pm on Astro's STAR WORLD (Ch 70)


Acrix said…
Do u knoe where to get the season 2 dvd for Grey's anatomy?
TV Man said…
I think Season 2 just ended in the US about 2 weeks ago.. I don't think they have it (Season 2) on DVD yet

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