Please Give Me A Job: TV Finally Becomes Useful

A brand new show airs tonight. Forget jobstreet or head hunters, getting a job through a reality TV show it the way of the new millenium.
"8TV'S reality series Please Give Me a Job! might be just the show for jobseekers.

The show focuses on the contestants’ series of tasks – from training and grooming sessions to improving communication and interpersonal skills – for working in reputable organisations in Malaysia.

The show features 10 fresh graduates who are introduced to the real working world, taking on different tasks each week in the hope of getting “a job” by the end of each episode. Azah Yasmin Yusof, the former 3R (Respect, Relax, Respond) hosts the show"
"Introduced to the real world"? While on a TV show? TV isn't real.

Is it?

Please Give Me A Job (Season 1) - Sunday 10:30 pm on 8tv


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