Heroes: Flashback episode

There is this theory when writing a novel to throw the first chapter away. The idea is to put the reader right into the action. Heroes has done just that, and I guess here is the first chapter they 'threw away'.
"Six Months Ago. This episode shows the heroes six months ago. Chandra Suresh, Mohinder's father, arrives in New York looking for special people. He meets up with an individual that embraces the chance to be unique. Peter graduates from nursing school. Nathan plans to prosecute a case that could cause complications for the Petrellis. Niki receives a visit from her father which brings out the worst in her. Hiro tries to alter the future for someone important to him. Claire discovers her abilities right after joining the cheerleading squad, and her father meets up with someone special."
So much blood so little time...

Heroes (Season 1) - Wednesday 9:00 pm on STAR WORLD


Bryan said…
I can tolerate about 20% of reliving past scenes in one story before the storyteller loses his credibility with me. I stopped watching "LOST" because of flahback overkill. Maybe I'm the type who hates living in the past :P
TV Man said…
You're right, because I'm starting to get impatient with 'Lost' myself. Give me a big payoff first before you start asking more questions... It's playing like a soap opera now, you can miss a few episodes and still be ok...

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