CSI: Don’t kill them. Motorcross racers have feelings too.

This must be the secret dream of anyone who has ever had their nice quiet drink at the mamak interrupted by a loud zooming ‘Mat Motor’.
"Daddy's Little Girl. The CSIs investigate the stabbing of a motocross racer who was about to leave town with a young woman he had been living with. Also, Nick comes closer to finding the truth about his kidnapping."
I'm not saying we should kill them. All I'm saying is that we should maybe kick and slap them around a little bit. They'll survive. Them being macho and all.

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 6) - Wednesday 10:00 pm on Astro's AXN (Ch 17)


anne said…
ha...ha...you're definitely not the Mat Motor type. Yup, i'm all for slapping them around a bit, revving up the engine for no reason.
TV Man said…
It's because they are mocho.

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